
Guides·DisplayTextCustomization·DisplayTextFilterandReplace·CustomNotificationPatterns·DisableandEnableLiftWristGestureAutomatically ...,HowtointegrateyourMiBand8withTaskerTaskeristheclassicAndroidautomationappthatletsyoucontrolyourphonewithsimplecommands.,Lightweightwatchfacesmanagementapplicationtobrowseanddirectlyinstallcommunitywatchfacesbysinglepressofabutton.,FullsupportforMiBand7andimpr...

Knowledge base

Guides · Display Text Customization · Display Text Filter and Replace · Custom Notification Patterns · Disable and Enable Lift Wrist Gesture Automatically ...

Mi Band 8 - Tools tutorials

How to integrate your Mi Band 8 with Tasker Tasker is the classic Android automation app that lets you control your phone with simple commands.

Mi Band Tools (@MiBandTools) X

Lightweight watch faces management application to browse and directly install community watch faces by single press of a button.

Mi Band Tools 8.0.0

Full support for Mi Band 7 and improved support for latest firmwares of all previous bracelets, including Mi Band 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Notify for Mi Band, Amazfit and Xiaomi

The Notify App is the most powerful smartwatch app in the world. Get real-time notifications with vibration on your wrist, control your phone's settings, ... Mi Band 9 tutorials · Mi Band 7 tutorials · Mi Band 6 tutorials · Mi Band 5 t

relanmillet: Command line tool for Xiaomi Mi Band

Millet is a command line tool for Xiaomi Mi Band. It was created to reverse engineer the protocol but can also be useful for end users. Requires ...

Similar app to Mi Band Tools for the 8? : rmiband

I use Mi band tools to prevent some messages from certain apps appearing on the band, and I have custom vibration patterns so I know which app ...

Toolbox V2.0 by Miguelhero

A new version! Icons now appear in a Google style, Now there are more functions, Improved the interface, The Spanish language has been added.

小米手環工具(Tools & Mi Band)

評分 3.0 (19,586) 將您的小米手環發揮的淋漓盡致!設定您專屬個人的完全自訂通話及程式通知。在一整天疲勞工作後強力小睡一下,放鬆您的大腦。為每個通知配置多種不同顏色。